MR for 1st Class Chapter two covers leadership responsibilities, work center schedules, work center tasks, responsibility of signature by authority, and naval correspondence and messages. Chapter 2 also covers the “old” enlisted performance evaluations (pages 2-10 through 2-15). This system is obsolete. I recommend not spending any time studying this material. You can find information on the current evaluation in the correspondence course.
Chapter 2
Leadership and Administrative Responsibilities• The most important resource within your division are the personnel
• To effectively interact with your personnel do not confine yourself to your office. Spend a little time there in the morning to complete administrative duties, then spend the rest of your time in the work area.
• You should assess your division’s personnel and material readiness daily.
• Make a daily inventory of material being used. Also make a weekly inventory to order supplies.
• When you assess your workers’ performance, you will need to look at three areas:
- Attitude
- Knowledge
- Work Habits• Each division or department uses the operating target (OPTAR) log to make formal supply inventory.
• Maintain a daily power tool log. Keep a list of out of commission tools.
• Ensure all hand and power tools are assigned serial numbers. Use the serial number to log tools in and out.
• Every division should have a log that describes deficiencies and missing equipment. That log is called the equipment deficiency log.
• Your command maintains an inventory of personnel. This report is called the enlisted distribution verification report. (EDVR).
• The EDVR is a computer printout of the number of personnel in each rate at the command.
• Temporary addition duty (TAD) requirements are usually divided throughout the various departments based on the ship’s overall manpower.
• Use your work center schedule to plan for personnel training, work stoppages, logistics problems, and losses in manpower.
• Every afloat command in the Navy has an operational schedule called the annual employment schedule. It lists the planned operations, assist visits, inspections, and ports of call for the fiscal year. From that schedule other schedules are issued.
• The quarterly employment schedule (shown on Page 2-4) shows changes in the ship’s operations that could alter each department’s long range plan.
• Before making your work center schedule refer to the command’s annual and quarterly employment schedules.
• See page 2-5 for a sample of a work center schedule and quarterly training plan. See page 2-6 to see the monthly training plan.
• When setting task goals, include your junior petty officers as part of the planning process. This will help prevent misunderstandings between you and your subordinates.
• Remember when you delegate authority to your subordinates, you still have the final responsibility for that task.
• Delegation of authority develops leadership skills.
• Always delegate authority to the lowest competent level.
• Counseling subordinates is the most effective way to inform them of their standing in the division.
• Counseling on performance and military bearing identifies both the good and bad perfomers, and provides a means to correct problems
• You can use three methods of counseling:
- Counseling sheet/letter of instruction
- Page 13 entry (service record)
- Document the positive/ negative marks on the evaluation report.• Counseling sheets and letters of instruction are not entered in a members service record. They can be retained in the member’s training jacket or division officer’s notebook.
• Page 13 entries can be both good or bad. Figure 2-7 on page 2-9 gives examples of page 13 entries
• One of the easiest and most rewarding tasks given to you will be to give rewards. Yet it is often neglected.
• You can recognize good performance with rewards such as special liberty, late sleepers, extra time off at lunch, etc.
• Other types of recognition:
- Sailor of the Quarter/Year
- Letter of Appreciation
- Letter of Commendation
- Navy Achievement Medal
- Meritorious advancementKeep in mind these awards are recommendations. They need to be written strong and convincing to be approved by the chain of command.
• There are two types of authority.
- general
- Organizational• General authority is given to officers and petty officers so they can fulfill their duties and responsibilities.
• Individuals have organizational authority needed to fulfill duties and responsibilities by virtue of their positions within the Navy organization.
• The commanding officer may delegate signature authority to military and civilian subordinates and these subordinates may be authorized to delegate signature even further.
• The CO must have all delegated signatures in writing.
• Delegated signatures are delegated to titles rather than names.
• When subordinates sign documents under delegated authority, they usually sign “by direction”
• The CO or OIC must personally sign the following documents (they cannot authorize delegation of authority):
- documents that establish policy
- Those which center on changes to the command’s mission and are addressed to a higher authority
- Those which deal with certain aspects of military justice (unless a staff legal officer finds that the CO’s signature is unnecessary.
- Those required by law or regulation(ie, ship’s deck log)• If you are authorized to use a facsimile stamp of someone else’s signature, you must pen you initials next to each signature you stamp, to authorize the facsimile.
• Note: Pages 2-30 through 2-54 cover Routine Naval Correspondence and messages. I will cover the basics, if you need more information you will have to refer back to pages 2-30 through 2-54.
• The organization of a message is the authority (command or activity) in who’s name the message is sent.
• The originator is responsible for the functions of the message drafter and message releaser.
•The Releaser is responsible for validating the contents of the message. Usually the CO is the releasing officer, but the CO can delegate releasing authority.
• Messages are divided into four common precedence categories:
- Routine (prosign R)
- Priority (prosign P)
- Immediate (prosign O)
- Flash (prosign Z)See page 2-32 (fig. 2-13) for detailed information on message precedence.
• Pages 2-34, 2-40, 2-41, and 2-43 show various letters that you may want to review as a reference.
• You will use Navy Mailed Message (NAV-GRAM) for urgent communications between Department of Defense (DoD) addressees only
• Review chapter 2 mil. req. for 1st class. Remember pay attention to charts, graphs, and illustrations that you find in the MR courses.
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