MR for 1st
Chapter Five
-Military Requirements-Chapter 5 covers proper watch standing, deck logs, and security procedures for visitors.
• Setting the watch occurs with a change of watch conditions within the ship such as getting underway.
• Relieving the watch- Experience has shown that the ability to handle casualties and tactical decisions is significantly reduced during the transition period between watches.
• Both the relieved watch and the relieving watch are responsible for seeing that the relieving watch is aware of all unusual conditions.
• When relieving the watch:
The relief reports, "I am ready to relieve you, sir/ma'am." Then, the relieved gives a status report and answers any questions. When the relief is satisfied that all information has been passed on, they relieve the watch by saying, "I relieve you, sir/ma'am." The person being relieved will state, "I stand relieved."• The log is completed (for that watch) for the off-going ODD before leaving the watch station. Note: see pages 5-7 and 5-8 Ship's Deck Log.
• ODD in Port- The ODD is primarily responsible for the safety and proper operation of the unit.
• The ship's bell indicates time. The bell is struck once for each half hour, with a maximum of eight bells. For example, at 0830 the bell is sounded once, at 0900 two bells are sounded, then so on until 1200 when 8 bells are struck. This is normally restricted during the times between taps and reveille.
• Apprehension is the equivalent of an arrest in civilain life.
• The Deck Log (in Port): Information in the ship's deck log is For Official Use Only. The ship's deck log is prepared in duplicate. The original copy is submitted monthly to the Chief of Naval Operations. The copy is retained on board for 6 months and then destroyed.
• Visitor Control: all Navy ships are required to have a general visiting bill.
• General Visiting: Refers to specifically authorized occasions when the ship acts as a host to the general public. The visiting hours will normally be the hours of 1300-1600. One person should be assigned to each group of visitors (15 people per group).
• One half hour before the scheduled commencement of general visiting, sentry and tour guides will be mustered by the Chief Master-At-Arms for inspection and instruction.
• The CDO should be notified whenever a visitor is injured or requires first aid.
Entertaining Guests • Officers are permitted to have personal guests during visiting hours. These visiting hours will be between the hours of 1600 and 2200 daily, and at other times with the approval of the executive officer (XO).
• Chief Petty Officers are permitted to entertain personal guests in their messroom and lounge after 1100 and until the expiration of visiting hours on Sundays and during general visiting.
• Enlisted members may entertain members of their families in the crew's lounge and messing spaces when general visiting is permitted.
• Visits by Foreign Nationals: Unclassified controlled visits by foreign nationals may be authorized by the commanding officer, subject to local restrictions established by higher authority. Classified visits should be authorized by the CNO, and then only with the approval of the commanding officer.
• The ODD is directly responsible to the commanding officer for the posting of all security watches and sentries. • Pier Security Patrol stand a four hour watch armed with a rifle. They patrol that portion of the pier between the bow and the stern of the ship.
• Forecastle and Fantail Security- When these watches are posted they are armed with a rifle, a belt, 30 rounds of ammunition, a whistle, and a flashlight. Should a boat or person(s) approach, attempt to board, they should challenge the boat or person(s) and try to positively identify them. If the challenge is not answered it should be repeated, and then if no answer is received, the whistle should be sounded for assistance.
• The use of deadly force should be thoroughly understood by all personnel under arms as outlined in SECNAVIST 5500.29A
• Arrest: is restraint of a person, oral or written, not imposed by punishment
• Confinement: is physical restraint imposed by order of a competent authority.
• Granting Asylum and Temporary Refuge:
The following is paraphrased from article 0939 of United States Navy Regulations
High Seas and US Territories-under exclusive United States jurisdiction, persons should be received on board at their request. Under no circumstances should the person be surrendered to foreign jurisdiction or control, unless directed to foreign jurisdiction or control by the Secretary of the Navy or higher authority.
Foreign Territories In territories under foreign jurisdiction, refuge should be granted for humanitarian reasons only in extreme or exceptional circumstances where life or safety of the person is in imminent danger. Once protection is granted it should only be terminated when directed by the Secretary of the Navy or higher authority. If foreign authorities request return of the person, it should be reported to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO).• Review MR for 1st Chapter 5
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