MR for 1st Class PO This chapter covers the Navy’s Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) program, The Command Assessment Team (CAT), the Command Training Team (CTT), and the Navy’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program.
Chapter Three
-Programs and Policies-
Command Managed Equal Opportunity (CMEO) • Equal Opportunity is an integral part of each command’s leadership and management activities. All Navy Units must have a CMEO program.
• The CMEO Program is controlled primarily at the command level.
• All hands need to support the Navy’s equal opportunity program, by evaluating and resolving discrimination complaints at the lowest level possible.
• Enforce Equal Opportunity- Any person committing an act of discrimination based on race, religion, color, gender, age, or national origin is subject to the following disciplinary action from the commanding officer:
1. Counsel individuals concerning their responsibilities.
2. If counseling is not effective, or if further action is warranted he following actions can be taken:
- Give warning
- Lower evaluation marks
- Award non-judicial punishment (NJP)
- Submit a recommendation for separation for the best interest of the service.• Commands have two teams that evaluate and assess its equal opportunity status.
• The Command Assess Team (CAT) evaluates how much command members actually know about equal opportunity.
• The Command Training Team (CTT) assesses the command’s compliance with the Navy’s equal opportunity objectives as a whole.
• Non-judicial punishment is better known in the Navy as Captain’s Mast. Based on article 15 of the UCMJ commanding officers may award punishment for minor offenses without the intervention of a court martial. Punishment must be imposed within 2 years of the offense.
Mast Procedures • Report Chit-NAVPERS 1626/7 which lists the offense(s). This states that you have been advised of your rights under article 31, it records and pre-mast restraint, it serves as a preliminary inquiry report, and it records the action of the executive officer at XO screening.
• If the commanding officer is convinced you are guilty of the offense(s), they may impose nine types of punishments. 1. Restriction- which is the least severe form of denying liberty.
2. Arrest in Quarters- commissioned or warrant officer only.
3. Correctional Custody- Can only be awarded to nonrated persons. This is a physical restraint of the person
4. Confinement on bread and water- nonrated personnel (E-3 and below). Maximum duration is three days.
5. Admonition and reprimand
6. Reduction in grade- a reduction in grade or “bust” is considered the most severe form on NJP. Can only be reduced one grade, per single mast appearance.
7. Extra Duty- is performed after hours. Normally extra duty cannot exceed two hours a day. Extra duty is not performed on Sundays.
8. Forfeiture of Pay permanent loss of entitlement pay.
9. Detention of Pay is less severe than forfeiture of pay. Detention of pay cannot exceed one year. All detained money will be paid back at the end of the detention period.• Fines are not authorized punishment at NJP.
• Effective dates of punishments- Commanding Officers can defer punishment up to 15 days.
• Appeals Procedures- You have five days to file an appeal.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse • The Navy has a zero tolerance policy on drugs.
• The Navy has taken a firm stand against drug abuse. The Navy will process for immediate separation from any officer, chief, or petty officer identified as a drug user.
• Urinalysis Testing has become the most valuable detection and deterrence tool used by the Navy. Laboratories test for six different types of drugs. Each sample is tested three times.
Drugs and Their Effects • Narcotics- (ie opium, heroin, codeine, and morphine) Drug abuser under the influence of narcotics usually appears lethargic and drowsy or displays symptoms of deep intoxication. Pupils are often constricted and fail to respond to light. Some abusers may drink paregoric or cough medicines containing narcotics.• Heroin is a white or brown powder. It produces an intense euphoria resulting in an easing of fears and relief from worry. However, a state of inactivity bordering on stupor often follows. User develops a tolerance and must ingest larger quantities to get a “kick”.
• Morphine is used as a medical drug for the relief of pain.
• Codeine is used in cough preparations and is less addictive than morphine or heroin.
• Methadone was invented by German Chemists in 1941, when the morphine supply ran low. It relieves pain and is highly addictive. It is taken orally.
• Stimulants stimulate the central nervous system. The most common in this country is caffeine. The more potent synthetic stimulants are: amphetamines, methyl phenidate, and phenmetrazine. Stimulants produce increased activity and the ability to go without sleep for extended periods.
• Cocaine is a white or colorless crystalline powder. It can be inhaled or injected. It can induce euphoria, excitation, anxiety, a sense of increased muscular strength, and talkativeness. An overdose can depress the heart and breathing, causing death.
• Crack is a street cocaine mixed with baking soda and water. Crack can cause the heart and arteries to burst and can cause massive heart attack.
• Amphetamines often called “uppers’ and used in weight loss.
• Depressants depress the central nervous system. Barbiturates and some tranquilizers can cause the user to have symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Overdoses, particularly when taken with alcohol can result in unconsciousness and death without proper medical treatment.
• Hallucinogens are chemicals extracted from plants or synthesized in labs. LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, psilocin, and PCP are all examples of hallucinogens. These drugs distort the user’s perception of reality. The effects of LSD may recur days or even months after someone has taken it. These drugs have very unpredictable mental effects on the person taking them.
• Volatile Chemicals include airplane glue, lacquer thinner, gas, fingernail polish remover, and lighter fluid. Abusers usually inhale from rags, plastic or paper bags.
• Marijuana is a greenish tobacco-like material consisting of leaves, flowers, small stems, and seeds.
• Urinalysis testing is done by all members, regardless of rank, rate, or age
• Drug Detection dogs-Commands can request through the security department to use drug detection dogs (DDD). The only persons needing prior knowledge of a DDD inspection or an authorized search are the commanding officer and the dog handlers
Alcohol Abuse • Alcohol is the number one drug problem in the United States today. Alcohol is a depressant that slows down the central nervous system. Alcohol can cause physical and psychological dependence. This is called alcoholism. Blood-alcohol levels can be taken to detect the alcohol levels in a person’s blood stream.
• Chronic Heavy Drinking reduces the brain’s sensitivity to the alcohol. Therefore a person must drink more to feel the effects. But later in the chronic stage their tolerance can decrease to the point that they may become drunk on relatively small amounts of alcohol.
• Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA) is the command representative responsible to the commanding officer for carrying out the Navy Drug and Alcohol Counseling (NADAP)
• Review Chapter 3 MR for 1st Class-14145
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