MR for 1st Class Chapter 4 explains the responsibilities of a petty officer, types of authority, EMI, watch, quarter and station bill, PQS, and paths to a commission.
Chapter Four
-Professional Responsibilities-• There are two types of authority:
1. General
2. Organizational• General responsibilities and duties of all officers and petty officers in the Navy are listed in article 141-4 of the Standard Organization and Regulations of the United States Navy OPNAVIST 3120-32B
• Article 1020 gives all persons in the naval service the right to exercise authority over subordinate personnel.
• Organizational authority held by officers and petty officers is derived from each person’s assigned billet within a particular command.
Extra Military Instruction •EMI is NOT extra duty.
(Know this!)• EMI is a lesson in a phase of military duty, designed to correct a deficiency of performance. EMI is non-punitive
• It will normally not be assigned for more than two hours per day.
• It may be assigned at a reasonable time outside normal working hours, but it will not be used to deprive a person of normal liberty.
• The duration of EMI will be limited to the period of time required to correct the training deficiency.
• It should not be assigned on the individual’s Sabbath.
• Withholding of privileges is a non-punitive measure. A privilege is a benefit (not a right) provided for convenience or enjoyment of an individual.
• Examples of privileges that may be withheld are:
Special liberty, exchange of duty, special pay, special command programs, base of ship library use, base or ship movies, base parking, and base special services events.• The final authority to withhold a privilege (however temporary), rests with the level that grants the privilege.
• Extension of working hours- Depriving an individual of liberty or privileges as a punishment for any offense or substandard performance of duty is illegal, except as specifically authorized under the UCMJ.
• However personnel can be required to stay on board to complete work assignments that should have been completed, or to complete additional essential work, or to maintain a required level of operational readiness. Petty officers may have the authority delegated to them to extend working hours as needed.
• Division Officer’s duties, responsibilities, and authority are outlines in SORN.
• Assigning Division Responsibilities: Make sure the person assigned is qualified to do the job. When assigning a big job, delegate one person to be held responsible for the job.
• Watch, Quarter and Station Bill (WQS) is the commanding officer’s summary of personnel duty assignments and stations. This bill will display your duties for each emergency and watch condition.
• The WQS bill shows name, rate, billet number, bunk, and locker number of each person in the division. It also indicates each person’s battle station.
• The executive officer (XO) is responsible for maintaining a master WQS Bill for the ship.
• Division officers are responsible for updating and changing the WQS bill for the personnel in the division. These changes must be approved by the executive officer(XO).
• Emergency Bills are probably the most important of all shipboard bills because they spell out where to respond for emergency situations, ie General Quarters, Man Overboard, CBR, emergency destruction, collisions, etc.
• Man Overboard: Anyone who sights a person overboard should immediately
1. call out (yell) “Man Overboard Port (or starboard) side.”
2. Notify the ODD in the quickest manner possible, ie lookouts or phone.
3. Toss over a life ring or life jacket.• Emergency Destruction Bill-All commands located outside the United States and its territories, as well as all deployable commands and all commands holding communications security (COMSEC) must have an emergency destruction bill. The plan calls for the highest degree of classified matter to be destroyed first. For combustible materials, oil or chemicals may be used to aid in the burning. All equipment must be smashed beyond all recognition.
• The (PQS) Personnel Qualification Standards program is a way you can qualify to perform your assigned duty. PQS is a written list of knowledge and skills. It is a qualification system for personnel to perform certain duties.
• Most PQS standards are divided into three sections. Fundamentals, Systems, and Watch Stations.
• PQS Coordinator is another key individual in PQS matters. Some of their duties include:
- Maintain PQS software. - Order sufficient supplies. - Advises the executive officer (XO) and planning board for training on all PQS matters.• Department Head:
- Sets standards and monitors their department’s PQS program.
- Designates in writing those individuals who are authorized to sign off qualifications.
- Recommend interim qualification of watch standards, as necessary.
- Serves as chairman of the department examining board.• Executive Officer/Training Officer:
- Acts as an overall training supervisor.
- Maintains and updates the unit’s instruction on PQS and the unit’s notice designating the qualifiers.
- Reinforces command emphasis on PQS.• Commanding Officer:
- Establishes a PQS organization. - Serves as final qualification authority for the command (final sign may be delegated, but no lower the department head level.)
- Designates in writing those individuals authorized to act as qualifiers.
- Establishes an appropriate means of recognizing the achievement of qualification goals.
Enlisted Service Records • Service records are both official and unofficial papers.
• The left side of the folder contains official and unofficial papers that are required for records purposes or for safe keeping. The actual service record is on the right side of the folder.
• There are 15 different forms.
Page 1 is your enlisted contract.
Page 2 is your dependency application/Record of Emergency data. (reservists take a copy of their Page 2 with them when they go on two week AT) Update your Page 2 whenever you have a change in your family status.
Page 4- This is your enlisted qualifications, i.e., education level, ASVAB test, off duty education, training courses, Navy schools, Awards, PQS, standards.
Page 13: Administrative remarks form, NAVPERS 1070/613. Contains miscellaneous entries.
Officer Programs • LDO & CWO- These you will want to remember, you may see them on an exam sooner or later.
• CWO & LDO programs do not require a college education.
• For CWO you must be an E7, E-8, or E-9. You must have at least 12 years of service but no more than 24 years of service.
• For LDO you must be en E-7 or E-8 with at least 8 years of service but no more than 16 years of service. Please note: E-6s that have completed all the requirements for CPO and have taken the E-7 exam and have a final multiple equal to or greater than the final multiple to pass are eligible for the LDO program.
• Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP): Open to all male/female US Citizens on active duty. ECP selectees will have a 6 years active service obligation. Must have at least 4 years but no more than 11 years of active service as of 1-September of the year of enrollment.
• Officer Candidate School (OCS) The OCS program provides 16 weeks of officer indoctrination training for enlisted personnel who posses a baccalaureate degree or higher. Must be at least 19 and no more than 29.
Quarters • Depending upon the ship and its operating schedule, quarters for muster and inspection are held each work day before 0800. Quarters can be held:
- Fair weather parade
- Foul weather parade
- Personnel Inspections
- Muster on station.• Locker and Seabag Inspections: US Navy Uniform Regulations states:
Commanding officer shall require the clothing of all nonrated (E-3 & below) personnel to be inspected by division officers at regular intervals to ensure that each person has a full seabag. Petty Officers may be inspected on an individual basis, if appropriate.• Review MR for 1st Class Chapter Four.
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