BMR This chapter covers basic shipboard watch organization, watch standing, terms & procedures for reporting bearings, and using binoculars.
Chapter Three
-Watch Standing-· The Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill (WQS) lists, by billet number and rate, divisional stations to be manned for various situations. Often cleaning stations are omitted, since they are posted on a separate cleaning bill.
· The division officer and division chief are responsible for assigning qualified personnel to the WQS bill. You are responsible for checking the WQS on a daily basis.
· It is necessary to maintain a watch for communications, security and safety.
· The basic requirements for maintaining the deck log are contained in the US Navy Regulations & Standard Organization as well as the Regulations of the US Navy. The deck log will probably be the most important log that you will maintain. The ship's deck log is a complete daily record of important events, watches, and operation as well as safety of the ship.
· A ship's deck log has historical importance. It has legal standing and can be used in Navy or civil courts.
· At sea, the ship's deck log is kept by the Quartermaster of the Watch (QOOW).
· Entries are handwritten using a black, ball-point pen. If you make a mistake, draw a single line through the original entry. Then place your initials in the margin.
· The log is signed at the end of the watch by the Officer of the Deck (OOD). The OOD will also print their name under their signature.
· Command Duty Officer (CDO) (In port only)- The CDO is eligible for command at sea, and is designated by the commanding officer. The CDO advises, supervises, and directs the OOD in general matters concerning the general operation and safety of the ship.
· Officer of the Deck (OOD) is in charge of the ship and is responsible to the CO for the safe and proper operation of the ship.
· Junior Officer of the Deck (JOOD) is the principal assistant to the OOD.
· Junior Officer of the Watch (JOOW), when assigned, is in training for qualification as the OOD.
· Combat Information Center (CIC) Watch Officer supervises the operation of the CIC, which reports, tracks, and evaluates air, surface, and submarine contacts.
· Watches: Most watches are 4 hours in duration. Normally, watches start on the even hours, i.e. 0400-0800, 0800-1200, 1200-1600, and so on. You should arrive at your station at least 15 minutes ahead of time, to receive pertinent information.
· Dogging the Watch is done when the 1600-2000 is divided in half:
1600-1800 & 1800-2000. This helps rotate the watches.· Sailors having the midwatch (0000-0400) are permitted to sleep in one hour past reveille. (Late sleepers)
· The ship's bell indicates time. The bell is struck once for each half hour, with a maximum of eight bells. For example, at 0830 the bell is sounded once, at 0900 two bells are sounded, then so on until 1200 when 8 bells are struck. This is normally restricted during the times between taps and reveille.
· The ship's organized plan for the action is located in the "battle bill". The battle bill contains a list of stations that must be manned during battle and other specified times. Each division chief assigns specified and qualified personnel. Refer to figure 3-1 on page 3-2 (BMR)
· Condition set underway:
I. -----------All battle stations manned (GQ)
II. ----------Special watch, i.e. gunfire support
III. ---------Normal wartime cruising· Refer to the ship's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for relieving an armed watch.
·The term deadly force is defined as that force which, if used, has the potential to cause death or serious bodily harm.
· Only the CO can authorize the use of deadly force.
· Review 11- General Orders refer to BMR pages 3-8 through 3-11(BMR)
Lookouts · The Lookouts are very important members of the ship's operating team. They can see things that some radar cannot detect, i.e., smoke, flares, swimmers, debris, life crafts.
· Normal peacetime lookout organizations have a 3 person watch team.
· Fog lookouts are normally on the bow, using two personnel. One phone talker and one lookout.
· An object from a ship is called the bearing. It is measured in degrees clockwise from 000° to 360°.
· 3 different bearings are relative, true and magnetic. Lookouts report contacts in degrees of relative bearing.
· Bearings are reported in three digits, spoken digit by digit, positions are reported in one or two digits and spoken whole.
· When using your hand as an aid to determine the position angle of an aircraft, your closed fist is approximately 8 degrees.
· The Navy uses a standard system to pronounce numbers.
9____________________niner· Reporting ranges are always reported in (estimates) yards.
· Binoculars There are 3 adjustments. 2 for focus and one for proper distance between lenses. Binoculars should be used more at night than during daylight. Never use binoculars for rain, snow or haze.
· Night vision After 10 minutes you can see fairly well. After 30 minutes you have reached your best night vision. This is called dark adaptation.
·Review BMR Chapter 3