BMR This chapter covers uniform, awards, hash marks, rank insignia, grooming standards, and formations.
Chapter Ten
-Uniforms and Formations- The purpose of the uniform policy is to ensure naval personnel have attractive, distinctive, and practical uniforms.
The US Navy Uniform Regulations NAVPERS 15665 provides the basic naval uniform policy.
Uniforms and Formations Neckerchief is 36 inches square and made of black silk or acetate. It is tied in a square knot. Government-issue dress blue jumpers and trousers are made of wool serge.
The dress white jumpers and trousers are made of a polyester material called certified Navy twill.
Dungarees (utilities) and winter working blues are considered to be the working uniform.
Large medals worn with either blue or white jumper is called full dress.
Marking Enlisted Clothing: Use your name and social security number with a ½ inch stencil. You may use a stencil up to one inch.
Transfer of Clothing: cannot be done without the commanding officer's authorization. When transfers are authorized the clothing will be stamped with a red "DC" stamp.
Note: Review pages 10-20,10-21, and 10-22 BMR for rank structure for officers.
Military uniform articles that can be worn with civilian clothing:
raincoat (without insignia)
belts (with civilian buckles)
knit watch cap
command/Navy ball cap (w/o insignia)
blue/khaki windbreaker
sweater (cardigan/blue)
V-neck sweater
underwear Active duty personnel are required to have four fire retardant dungaree shirts and slacks in their seabag.
All nonrated personnel should have seabag inspections at regular intervals to ensure that each person has a full seabag. Also, before a nonrated person is transferred to another duty station a seabag inspection is made.
When stenciling or marking clothing/articles, the Navy uniform regulations state in the instructions where the word, right or left, will appear. The references to right or left are consistant with the owner's right or left while wearing the garment.
Rates/Insignias Rating is the job or occupation i.e BM, IT, DC, OS
Rate is the paygrade of the person i.e. 3rd class, 2nd class
Rank is used to identify officer's pay grade.
E-3 and below who have qualified in a particular rating will wear the speciality mark of that rating. This is called a striker mark. The striker mark is worn immediately above the group rate mark.
Service stripes (hash marks): One stripe for each full four years of duty in any of the armed forces, in any combination, ie., 2 years Army and two years Navy count as four years for one stripe. With 12 years of good conduct, scarlet service stripes are worn on blue uniforms, blue hash marks on white uniforms.
(MCPON) Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy is the most senior enlisted person in the Navy. He/She wears 3 gold stars in line above the eagle and a gold star that replaces the specialty (rating ) mark.
CM/C Command Master Chief wears 2 silver stars above the eagle and a silver star that replaces the specialty (rating) mark.
Taking the E-7 Exam?
E-7 Navy is Chief Petty Officer
E-7 Marines is Gunnery Sergeant
E-7 Army is Sergeant First Class
E-7 Airforce is Master SergeantTaking the E-6 Exam?
E-6 Navy is 1st Class Petty Officer
E-6 Marines is Staff Sergeant
E-6 Army is Staff Sergeant
E-6 Air Force is Tec SergeantTaking the E-5 Exam?
E-5 Navy is Petty Officer 2nd class
E-5 Marines is Sergeant
E-5 Army is Sergeant
E-5 Airforce is Staff SergeantTaking the E-4 Exam?
E-4 Navy is Petty Officer 3rd Class
E-4 Marines is Corporal
E-4 Army is Corporal or Specialist
E-4 Airforce is Sergeant or Senior Airman
Awards There are 7 broad categories of awards.
1. Military decorations: given for specific personal act of gallantry or meritorious service, i.e. Purple Heart, Navy Cross, Medal of Honor
2. Unit awards: presented to an operating unit only to members of that unit that participated in the cited action, i.e., Navy E.
3. Nonmilitary decorations: decorations are awarded for various actions by an individual, i.e, Gold and Life Saving Medals, Presidential Medal of Freedom
4. Campaign and Service awards: given to personnel who have participated in designated wars, campaigns or fulfilled creditable, specific service requirements. i.e., POW medal, Good Conduct, Antarctica Service Medal.
5. Foreign decorations and non-U.S. service awards: the awards that may be worn are listed in the U.S. Navy Uniform Regs. NAVPERS 156650.
6. Marksmanship Awards: awards for pistol or rifle on a qualifying course.
7. Awards of Military societies and other organizations: are awarded from military societies and other organizations. i.e., Regular Army and Navy Union, Naval Reserve Association and the Moreell Medal Ribbons are worn Ό inch above the left breast pocket. Each row may have no more than 3 ribbons. Persons possessing 4 or more ribbons can wear a minimum of 3 of the most senior ribbons.
The Purple Heart is the oldest military decoration in the world that it still in use. It is the first, and of course the oldest US Military decoration. Founded by George Washington in 1782 (seven years before he was president), it was initially created as the Badge of Military Merit for enlisted and non-commissioned officers who served in the Revolutionary War. Only three people were recorded to have been awarded the original Purple Heart. It was discontinued untill 1932 (George Washington's 200th birthday). Under president FDR, The Purple Heart was changed to be awarded to members of the US Armed Forces wounded or killed in action..
Dog Tags: approximately 2 inches by 1 1/8 inches, with a 25 inch necklace.
First line: Name
Second line: Name (con't if needed)
Third line: SSN, the letters "USN", blood type and Rh factor.
Forth line: Religious preference Identification Cards: You must carry the card at all times. The Navy ID card meets all the requirements of article 17 of the Geneva Convention pertaining to the treatment of prisoners of war.
Grooming Standards Male Standards
Hair may not be any longer the 4 inches and must be groomed so that it does not touch the ears or collar. Hair above the neck and ears will be tapered to Ύ inches
While in uniform men may wear one wristwatch, bracelet, one ring (per hand), one necklace or choker (may not be exposed). Men may not wear earrings while in uniform or in civilian clothes while on a military instillation or while attending a military function.
Fingernails may not extend past the meat (end) of the fingers.
Female Standards Hairstyles must be neat and present a groomed appearance. Braided hairstyles must be conservative and conform to the guidelines stated in NAVPERS 15665. Some guidelines include:
Pony tails, pigtails, protruding braids are not authorized.
Multiple braids are authorized when uniform in dimension and small in diameter (approx. Ό in.) Hair Length: when in uniform, the hair may touch but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1 ½ inch below the top of the jumper collar. No portion of the bulk of the hair as measured from the scalp will not exceed approx. 2 inches.
Barrettes/Combs/Clips can only be a maximum of two (small). Must be similar to hair color.
Fingernails- (female) may not exceed Ό inch from the tip of finger.
Earrings (female) One pair may be worn while in uniform and must be 6 mm silver for E-6 and below, E-7 and above wear gold.
Necklace may wear one necklace or choker but it cannot be visible.
The heels on women's shoes will be no higher than 2 5/8 inches nor less than 5/8 inch.
Drills and Formation Distance: A space of 40 inches between the chest of one person to the back of the person ahead of them.
Pace: The length of a full step (30 inches for men and 24 inches for women)
At Ease: You can relax but keep your right foot in place. Do not talk.
Rest: You can relax, keep right foot in place, and you may talk. This is the only command that allows you to talk.
Fall Out: This is not a dismissal. Upon this command you can leave your position in ranks, but must stay near your position to resume ranks.
About Face is a two count movement.
To Close Ranks: On command the front ranks stand fast. The 2nd ranks move up one pace. The 3rd rank moves two paces, the 4th rank moves three paces.
Dismissed: This command is used to secure a formation.
Review BMR Chapter 10