BMR This chapter covers pollution, Navy Sponsor Program, overseas duty support program, equal opportunity, and sexual harassment.
Chapter One
-Policies and Programs-As you can see, Chapter 1 covers wide range of topics. Unfortunately, there is really no way of knowing which topics will be on your test.
Pollution A policy is an overall plan that contains general goals and broad guidelines. Policy usually establishes the end that should be obtained, but not the means of getting there.
A program is a plan or system that will provide the means to reach the goal.
Pollution produces physical and biological effects that can vary from mildly irritating to lethal. Biological effects are the most serious of the two.
Motor vehicles create the most pollution.
Primary Municipal Pollutants are raw or inadequately treated sewage.
Sulfur oxides cause steel to erode two to four times faster than normal.
Most pesticides are nonselective which means they kill or damage life forms other than their intended purpose.
The primary pollution concern of Navy personnel is produced by shipboard wastes.
Under the Clean Air Act, each state has the primary responsibility for assuring air quality.
The Navy has installed marine sanitation devices (MSDs) on most of its ships.
Some of the devices treat sewage to an acceptable level that allows for overboard discharge. Another system retains sewage on board for later proper discharge. This system is called collection, holding, and transfer system (CHT).
In foreign waters, Navy vessels comply with the applicable Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) when operating marine sanitation devices (MSDs)
Vessels may not discharge unpulped trash at sea within 25 nautical miles from the U.S. Coastline.
Pulped trash cannot be discharged within 12 miles of the U.S. Coastline.
Vessels may not discharge any trash within 25 nautical miles of any foreign coastline.
Submarines may discharge negatively buoyant compacted trash not less than 12 nm from the U.S. coastline, but only at depths of greater than 1,000 Fathoms.
The US gets most of its petroleum in the form of crude oil from the Middle East countries.
The following are the servicewomans responsibilities regarding pregnancy:
- Planning the pregnancy to meet family and military obligations
- Confirming the pregnancy at a military medical facility
- Notifying the CO or OIC
- Performing military duties while pregnant
- Complying with work and task related safety and health recommendations No servicewoman may be assigned overseas or travel overseas after the beginning of the 28th week of pregnancy.
Pregnant servicewomen wont remain aboard ship if it takes longer the 6 hours for medical evacuation to a treatment facility.
Servicewomen cannot remain on board a deployed unit beyond the 20th week of pregnancy.
Normally the CO grants 6 weeks (42 days) convalescent leave after the servicewoman has delivered the baby.
Sponsor Programs The Navy Sponsor Program was started by the CNO to ease the relocation of naval personnel and their families when transferred to a permanent station.
The Overseas Duty Support Program (ODSP): If you are stationed in a foreign country, the ODSP provides you with support and information.
Fraud - intentional misleading or deceitful conduct
Waste extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure.
Abuse intentional wrong or improper use of government resources. You can report fraud, waste, and abuse by the following means:
- chain of command
- Navy Hotline
- Naval criminal investigative service (NCIS)
- Congress The purpose of the Integrity and Efficiency Program is to detect, deter, and eliminate fraud, waste, and abuse.
Military Cash Awards Program - Mil Cap award up to $25,000
(PAO) Public Affairs Officer Public affairs & community relations program mission is to inform the public & service members. For more info see secnavinst 5720.44 Chapter 2
Alcohol and Drug Policies Each sailor is ultimately responsible & will be help accountable for their own actions.
Privacy Act - $5,000 fine for unauthorized disclosure of service member private information.
EO Equal Opportunity (CMEO) Command Managed Equal Opportunity Program. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is responsible for the guidance and policy for the Command Managed Equal Opportunity Program. The CMEO creates and maintains a positive equal opportunity environment.
The Commanding Officers are overall responsible for making equal opportunity a reality in their commands.
Hazing can be defined as any conduct or activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, demeaning, or harmful.
Hazing is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
Sexual Harassment Both man and women can be victims or harassers.
Sexual Harassment must meet three criteria:
1. Be unwelcome
2. Be sexual in nature
3. Occur in, or impact the work environment Quid Pro Quo "this for that"
Range of behaviors The Traffic Light has three colors: red, yellow, and green.
Red means stop. Its sexual harassment. This behavior includes sexual favors for rewards, explicit pictures, obscene letters or comments, touching, fondling, or forced kissing.
Yellow means use caution. This behavior may be sexual harassment. Such as whistling, personal questions, lewd or sexual comments, suggestive posters or calendars, off-color jokes, leering or staring, or foul language.
Green: Good to go, acceptable behavior, performance counseling, social interaction, polite compliments.
Ombudsman Program An ombudsman attends 20 hours of intense training. They act as a liaison between Navy families and command.
The ombudsman is a volunteer, appointed by the Commanding Officer.
The CO always determines the content and priorities of the Ombudsman Program.
(ENCORE) Enlisted Navy Career Options for Reenlistment It sets standards that must be met for first term sailors before they reenlist or extend.
Navy personnel cannot take part in civil rights demonstrations under the following situations:
- While in uniform or during duty hours
- When held on a military reservation or in a foreign country
- When law and order are violated
- When there could be an expectation of violence Review BRM Chapter 1