MR for CPO Chapter 9 covers the Navy policy for training personnel on the content of the U.S. Navy Information and Personnel Security Program.
Chapter 9
-Security- The Information and Personnel Security Program safeguards the disclosure of classified information and material to unauthorized persons.
The Secretary of the Navy is responsible for setting up and maintaining an Information Security Program and a Personnel Security Program. The Secretary of the Navy has made the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) responsible for information and personnel security.
Keep in mind that all the security guidelines serve the minimum requirements for management of the program.
The National Security Council (NSC) provides overall policy guidance on information and personnel security.
The Navy Investigative Service is the Navys sole liaison with the FBI on internal security matters.
The CNO office (OP-09n) serves as the liaison about information and personnel security matters between the Department of the Navy and the Secretary of Defense.
Each command in the Navy and Marine Corps eligible to receive classified information is required to designate a security manager. The command must make this appointment in writing.
The security manager must be an officer or a civilian employee GS-11 or above. Designation of enlisted personnel or civilians below the grade of GS-11 is not allowed unless a waiver is granted.
Each command that handles Top Secret information designates, in writing, a Top Secret Control Officer (TSCO). The security manager may also be designated as the TSCO.
The TSCO must be an officer, an E-7, E-8, or E-9, or a civilian employee, GS-7 or above.
The TSCO ensures physical inventories of Top Secret materials are conducted at least once annually.
Each command involved in processing data in an automated system designates an ADP security officer.
COMNAVSECINVCOM (OP-09N) is responsible for policy guidance, education requirements, and source support for the security education program.
Debriefings- Persons who have had access to classified information should receive a debriefing at the following times:
1. Before termination of active military service/civilian employment or temporary separation for a period of 60 days or more including sabbaticals or leave without pay.
2. At the conclusion of an access period when a Limited Access Authorization has been granted.
3. When the persons security clearance is revoked for a cause.
4. When a persons security clearance is administratively withdrawn. Two types of security violations occur. One involves the compromise or possible compromise of classified information. The other involves a violation of security regulations, but does not involve a compromise.
If a department of the Navy member who has access to classified information commits suicide or attempts suicide, the commanding officer immediately reports the incident to the nearest NIS office.
If Navy personnel who have access to classified information is on an unauthorized absence status, the commanding officer conducts an inquiry.
The following officials are authorized to declassify and downgrade information:
1. The Secretary of the Navy with respect to all information over which the department of the Navy exercises final classification authority.
2. The original classification authority.
3. The Deputies or Chiefs of Staff to those original classification authorities for classified information in their functional areas. As classified (permanently valuable) records in the National Archives become more then 30 years old, the Archivist of the United States reviews them for declassification.
Foreign government information is declassified only if specified or agreed to by the foreign entity.
Information originated by the following people are exempt from these provisions for mandatory review of classification:
- The President
- The Whitehouse Staff
- Committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the President
- Others specifically providing advice and counsel to the President. Reproduction is done only by personnel that have proper authorization to reproduce classified materials on reproduction machines. The originating activity or higher authority must consent to the reproduction of Top Secret material.
Commands maintain records for two years to show the number and distribution of all reproductions of classified documents.
Prominently display signs on or near the equipment to advise users of the designation.
ie: THIS MACHINE MAY BE USED FOR REPRODUCTION OF MATERIAL UP TO SECRET. REPRODUCTION MUST BE APPROVED BY: (designated officer). Note pages 9-17, 9-18, 9-19 show a standards classified material cover sheet for Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential information.
Restricted areas are security areas within a command where classified information/material is always protected. Restricted areas are only accessible to authorized personnel.
If you find an unattended open or unlocked safe or container in which classified information is stowed, a security violation has been committed. You must report the discovery immediately to the senior duty officer.
Report any weakness or deficiency in equipment being used to store or safeguard classified material to OP_09N.
Page 9-21 figure 9-9 shows classified material storage requirements.
Store Top Secret material in a safe-type steel filing container having a built-in, three position, dial-type combination lock approved by the General Services Administration. Alarm systems or guards who are U.S. citizens protect storage containers, vaults, or vault-type rooms located in areas or structures controlled by another country.
Retain records of destruction of all classified material for a period of two years.
Methods of destruction:
- Burning has been the traditional method.
- Shredding machines. Note: the shredder cuts the material into strips no greater than 1/32 inch in width.
- Pulverizers and disintegrators: Of course they are usually too noisy and dusty for office use. The Navy does authorize this type of destruction to destroy photographs, film, typewriter ribbons, glass slides, and offset printing plates.
- Wet-processing pulpers are used to destroy classified water-soluble materials. Ensure that staples, paper clips, and other fasteners are removed to prevent clogging of the security screen. All commands located outside the United States and its territories, and those capable of deploying, and those holding COMSEC materials mustaddress the destruction of classified information in their command emergency plan. The following factors should be taken into account:
- Volume, level, and sensitivity of the classified material held by the activity.
- Proximity to hostile or potentially hostile countries.
- Size and armament of land-based commands and ships.
- Sensitivity of operational assignment.
- Potential for aggressive action by hostile forces. The priorities for emergency destruction are as follows:
*Priority One- Top Secret Material
*Priority Two- Secret Material
*Priority Three- Confidential Material If the makeup of materials (ie, hardware, recordings, photographs) prevent you from marking on them, affix markings by means of a tag, sticker, decal, or similar devise.
There are three levels of security classification:
-Top Secret: Unauthorized disclosure of top secret information could reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security.
-Secret: Unauthorized disclosure of secret information could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to the national security.
-Confidential: Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information could reasonably be expected to cause damage to the national security. A security clearance is granted on a need to know basis.
You must be a U.S. citizen to apply for clearance.
The commanding officer (CO) determines your need for a security clearance.
FOUO means For Official Use Only and is not a security classification level. FOUO is used to control unclassified information.
Publications carry the security marking of the highest level of material contained in the publication.
The least secure communications means the telephone.
The Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) has the authority to originally classify information.
Note: Page 9-29 (fig. 9-13) and page 9-30 (fig. 9-14) show the security classification of the cover and interior pages of a document.
Note: Pages 9-31, 9-32, 9-33 cover the marking guide for publications and correspondence.
On the second and succeeding pages, stamp the classification on the top and bottom center.
Note: Page 9-34 shows proper classification marks for a Naval letter.
Note: Page 9-35 shows the proper classification for a memorandum.
Note: Page 9-36 shows the proper classification marks for a Letter of Transmittal.
Mark electrically transmitted messages at the top and bottom with the overall classification. * See example on page 9-18.
Only United States Citizens are granted access to classified information.
A national agency check (NAC) is a check of federal agency files on persons who apply for employment with federal agencies. The check is conducted by DIS, and includes a check of the Defense Central Index of Investigations (DCII) and a check of FBI files.
Special Background Investigation (SBI) is conducted by DIS, and extends coverage of the persons background to provide a greater depth of knowledge than a standard background check.
An SBI includes and NAC on the members spouse or cohabitant, including and immediate family members 18 years of age or older who are U.S. Citizens other than by birth, or who are not U.S. Citizens.
Reserve personnel who have appropriate clearance may be granted access to classified information for active-duty training or inactive-duty training.
Review Chapter 9 MR for CPO
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