MR for PO 3&2
Chapter 8
-Military Responsibilities and Duties-This chapter covers typical military duties of a petty officer. Watch standing, log books, master-at-arms, drills & formations.
• Watch Standing: You may be assigned as Petty Officer of the Watch (POOW). You will be the primary enlisted assistant to the Officer of the Deck (OOD). Some of you duties will include carrying out the daily routine. Notifying the ODD of any changes in the barometric pressure readings of 0-04 inch or more in an hour. Make entries in the log book as directed by the ODD.
• This ship’s log book is one of the most important logs that you will maintain. The basic requirements for maintaining the ship’s deck log are contained in:
- US Navy Regulations
- Standard Organization
- Regulations of the US Navy• A ship’s deck log has both historical importance and legal standing. It can be used both in Navy courts or civil courts. At sea the quartermaster of the watch (QOOW) keeps the ship’s deck log. In port the entries are made by the POOW.
If you make a mistake, draw a single line through the entry and then place your initials in the left margin.• The overall responsibility for the deck log belongs to the ODD. They will sign the log book at the end of the watch.
• For sample deck log entries, refer to OPNAVINST 3100-7B. Also review pages 8-6 through 8-9 for more sample deck log entries.
• The passdown log is used to pass pertinent information along to each watch stander.
• If unauthorized access to the ship is made, the ODD should sound the alarm to alert the security alert team (SAT). The security alert team is trained and armed for security threats of this nature.
• Weapon Safety: Details of weapons, safety, and use of force can be found in OPNAVINST 3120.32.
• The pistol is normally carried unloaded aboard a ship. There will be three magazines. Two of the magazines each hold 5 rounds and are attached to the pistol belt. The 3rd magazine is empty and is kept in the pistol to protect the internal parts.
• If the pistol has a lanyard attached to it, keep the lanyard around your neck until your relief has positive control of the pistol.
• Deadly force is when such force is used, could create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm. It is only used in extreme conditions.
• Weather related responsibilities: measuring barometric pressure is done by using the aneroid barometer. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is 29.92 inches.
• Measure wind speed and direction by using an installed anemometer.
• United States Storm Warning Signals:
- Small Craft Warning: One red pennant at day and a red light over a white light at night. For winds up to 38 mph (33 knots)
- Gale Warning: Two red pennants at day and a white light above a red light at night. For winds from 39 to 54 mph (34 to 47 knots)
- Storm Warning: One square red flag with a black center for day and two vertical red lights at night. This is for winds 55 to 73 mph (48 to 63 knots)
- Hurricane Warning: Two square red flags with black centers for daytime, and a white light between two vertical red lights at night. For winds 74 mph or greater (64 knots or greater)• When you ship is moored at a pier it is normally visible and safe from a collision. However, special precautions must be taken after sunset. You will be required to make certain the anchor lights and the aircraft warning lights are turned on at sunset and turned off at sunrise. Be sure to test all of your lights 30 minutes before sunset..
• When anchored you must be very alert to other ships moving about. The other ships will be aware that you are anchored by an anchor ball displayed in the forward part of your ship. The ball is black in color and a minimum of two feet in diameter. The duty Quartermaster will check to ensure the ship stays anchored securely.
• Section Leader: On a small ship you may be assigned as a section leader. As a section leader you will be responsible for your division on your duty days. You will report to the CDO after normal working hours.
• Master-At-Arms: The chief Master-At-Arms (CMAA) is responsible to the executive officer (XO). You may be assigned to the MAA force as a collateral duty. This tour of duty usually will be 6 months.
• Shore Patrol Mission and Duties: Shore Patrol (SP) is another collateral duty that you may be assigned to. This duty is usually 24 hours or less. Your primary duty is to preserve good order among other members of the armed forces who are in liberty status.
• The Secretary of the Navy has delegated the authority to create the shore patrol. You have to be an E-4 or above to be a member of the SP. When standing patrol duties you normally have no jurisdiction over civilians. When you are shore patrol never solicit favors or gifts.
• Apprehension- When taking a person into custody.
• Apprehending Officers: Only when the situation offers no other alternative should an enlisted SP apprehend an officer.
• Apprehending the opposite sex: Physical contact should be avoided. If force is necessary for restraining a person or taking the member to headquarters utmost care must be used.
• Close-Order Drill Squad: Full strength, normally consists of 12 persons.
• Platoon: Consists of 2 squads, a platoon headquarters, and a guide.
• Company: consists of two or more platoons
• If you are not familiar with Close-Order Drill commands, you may want to review pages 8-25 through 8-28
• Honors and Ceremonies: Side honors consist of parading the proper number of side boys to render honors to officials and officers. Side boys are not paraded on Sunday or between sunset and 0800, or during crew meal hours, GQ, fire drills, or other evolutions.
• An informal visit of courtesy requiring no special ceremony is a call.
• Review Chapter 8 MR 3&2.
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